Wednesday 12 December 2012

Mrs Mop

Mrs Mop.  That is what I am today. My poor Alfie is still not making any improvement. He is happy enough in himself and doesn't seem to have pain.  He did do a slightly bigger wee first thing this morning but since then it is just a dribble. Unfortunately he is constantly dribbling.  I have mostly kept him in the kitchen and utility room which makes him unhappy although I am here with him.  Any thought of going up in my sewing room has been out of the question.

I have been mopping the floor every half an hour and the mop is permanently in bleach. I have washed several lots of his bedding because when he goes to sleep he constantly leaks. I have got some incontinence pads from when Rosie was poorly just before she passed away.  Last night Alfie tore it up!  In the rest of the house plastic sheeting is the order of the day!  On the sofa last night we had a plastic water proof mattress cover with his blanket on top and then the incontinence pad just so he could sit with his Dad as he likes to do in the evening.

The vet is concerned as the antibiotics should be working by now.  She thinks there could be an underlying cause that we are missing so he is going in tomorrow for scans.  They will have to sedate him as he is a big baby.  He will be there all day.  Simon will take him in on his way to work and pick him up at 3pm. I will have a day of worry.

In the meantime I have been researching doggie nappies (diapers) online as I am worried that this could be ongoing.  You can get disposable ones and also fabric, washable ones that have liner pads.  Some people say they use normal baby nappies with a hole cut in for the tail.  I have phoned Simon to ask him  to get some on the way home.  It may well afford a temporary solution.

The only other thing that I have done today is to go with Lisa and Jess to Ellie's school nativity and carol concert. It was held in the big abbey church in Bourne.  I have never been in there before.  It is really big and quite impressive.  I might go and have a look round another time. Th children were lovely. I really enjoyed it.  Ellie had the role of a star and a very good one she was to.  In fact the only one.......THE ONE!  You know the one that guides the wise men.  She stood in the pulpit in her star costume the whole time.   Jessie enjoyed it too and tried to join in with the singing. She is just so cute.

I am still hoping that I might be able to go to Evans first school nativity but as it is held in the school hall they only allow 2 people per child and Coralie is hoping that John will get time of work to go with her.  We'll see.

Got to go now, Alfie needs to go out.


  1. Oh no poor Alfie........I hope they find what the matter is and fix it.......awe I cant wait to get to go to Christmas concerts that my Grandbabies are!!! I've had a busy day today, my blog will explain it all...

  2. Poor Alfie. You are taking very good care of him. Keep us posted about the vet visit. Maybe it is something that can be fixed easily and you will have some more quality time with him.


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