Sunday 19 April 2015

Catching up on A-Z.

Oh dear, I knew it was too good to last! I am 4 days behind with the A-Z challenge. I do however have a very good excuse. We have had no internet access for 3 days. Apparently according to BT's status help line there has been a major problem in our area. This seems to mean our village! No idea what happened but it is now back. I can't tell you how annoying it was. How the world has changed, that being without internet access is so frustrating.

Anyway, I have missed M, N, O and P. I am not going to have the time to do them justice so I think I will just make this a quick catch up for all 4.

M is for Morton. I live in the village of Morton. It is in the county of Lincolnshire and on the edge of the Fens. I love it here. This photo shows the village church. It is at the very far end of the village from me but I can see the clock from my garden.

N is for nothing! After nearly an hour of pondering, I simply have not been able to think of anything, so it is NOTHING!

O is for Osmonds, specifically Donny Osmond! In the mid seventies I was a teeny bopper and Donny Osmond was my hero. I was going to marry him! Somehow that never worked out! This was the only period in my life when I was really into music. I still like Donny Osmond and still think he has a lovely voice but it is years since I have played any of his stuff. I never play or listen to any music really. I never have the radio on. I prefer peace and quiet.

This is a young Donny Osmond.  The one from my teens.

P is for positivity. I touched on this in an earlier blog. I am a realist so I can sometimes find it hard to remain positive but it is an area that I am currently trying to work hard on. I am currently positive that I am going to find it very hard to do tomorrows challenge with the letter Q! Sorry! Couldn't resist that.

As you can see I am now really struggling with this whole challenge thing.

I just checked out the official list and I haven't been struck off yet! I am currently number 1586. I have read some blogs but with over 1600 there is little chance of me getting through all of them! How lovely it would be to have that much time.

I am looking forward to seeing what people come up with tomorrow for the letter Q. In particular my cousin who is working on a theme of friends and family.

Thinking of themes, maybe that is where I have gone wrong in doing random blogs. Perhaps a theme would have been easier. I don't know. I'll try and struggle on.


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