Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas.

Well another few days have rushed past in a whirlwind.  I had intended to do a nice long blog but it is nearly 11pm on Christmas Eve and we are tired.  Tomorrow will be a long day.  On boxing day (day after Christmas for my Merikan friends) Simon and I will be home alone so I shall do a blog then. 

I just wanted to quickly drop by here to wish all my friends and family the very best day tomorrow.  It doesn't matter to me if you celebrate it or not.  I don't care why you celebrate it either.  It is one more day of your life which I hope you will be spending with those that you love.  It is another day to be thankful for all that you have.

Simon and I and all of my family wish you all a very happy Christmas.  May peace be with you and may you have "Enough".  


  1. Boxing Day is my son's 49th birthday! Now, I wonder if he knows why it's called Boxing Day. I shall ask him tomorrow when we celebrate Christmas -- if he can be here, that is. He works for the Texas Department of Transportation and if the snow/ice arrives, he'll be out checking bridges and spreading salted sand. I'll let you know!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jilly! Have a wonderful holiday!

  3. I wish you all the very best Christmas, Jilly. May the coming year bring you untold blessings and joy.

  4. I hope your Christmas was wonderful! I haven't been on blogger during the holidays much. Spending time with my family has taken up most of my time. I'm trying to play "catch up" with reading blogs! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


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