Friday 21 December 2012

Be thankful

I am having a lazy day.  I was up later than normal because Simon overslept. I have done a bit of housework and a show and tell blog.  While I was cleaning the kitchen floor I had the TV on.  It was Jeremy Kyle.  I have seen his show before but today's show was different.  It was Christmas surprises for some very special people and to raise money for some charities.

It has had me in tears.  The stories of those people are inspirational.  I cannot begin to imagine how those families have coped with the stuff life has thrown at them.   It is a very timely reminder at this time of year to think about my numerous blessings and to be thankful for them.

It is impossible to even begin to list the ways in which I have been blessed. I had a wonderful childhood with loving parents.  I have led a life of privilege surrounded by people that I love and who love me. I have my health.  I'm not sure what else there is.  If you have all of those things then you want for nothing.

Yes, I have problems and I get annoyed and upset regularly but nothing in my life is insurmountable.  Nothing is life threatening.

You know I have long maintained that money can't buy happiness and I truly believe that.  Yes it can buy comforts but that is all.  What really brings happiness is to be content with what you have and to be thankful for it every day of your life.

Always look for the good.

Over the coming months when you here me whinging and moaning perhaps you could remind me of this!

I wish each and every one of you  happiness over the holiday period and on into 2013.


  1. Always look for the joy! You are right, Jilly! I wish you a wonderful Christmas!!

  2. Yes I so agree with you, I try to always look at the positive in things

  3. Merry Christmas my dear friend! xoxoxo

  4. Your package has arrived-over the big pond- to my little part of the woods-I LOVE the wall hanging you made me so much-Thank you Jilly
    Merry Christmas

  5. Keeping our minds focused on the positive things in life, make the not so good things seem less bad:-) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


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