Tuesday 5 February 2013

Our weekend - Jackson news

How comes the weekends always go by so fast?  Saturday I was at the dog rescue form 10.30am until 5.30pm.  I am not usually there that long.  Simon went off in the morning to collect yet more stuff from his barn.  He was back at lunch time.  We had Jenson in the office when he got back and that dog was so pleased to see Simon.  He had a waggy tail and clearly recognised him.

The morning was fairly busy and 2 dogs were officially signed over to their new people which is always lovely.  There were several people come to look round but to be honest none of them seemed promising and I am not sure they will be back.

we had a phone call from a woman who wanted us to take her 2 dogs which are Kerry Blues crossed with Lakeland terriers.  She claimed to be moving and couldn't take them with her.  Those stories always make me so angry.  I mean, did she only just discover that she was moving today?  Of course not. What effort had she made to re-home her dogs elsewhere?  Probably none.  Why can't they go with her?  You know the one thing that I have realised since I have been volunteering is that no matter what story they spin you, the bottom line is they don't want the dog.   There are odd exceptions of course but mostly that is the story.

I don't understand it.  Whatever may happen to us in our life our dogs are part of it.  I would never leave my dogs behind.  I know some people are in rented accommodation and I know that sometimes homes are lost and that it can be hard to find somewhere that will take pets.  I know all that.  But, we would live in a tent if we had to rather than lose our dogs.  I hate that people lie too.  Why not have the guts to actually say, I don't love it and I don't care about it and I don't want it?  Cowards.  Horrid nasty, cowardly people.  We can only hope that we are able to find better homes where a dog is truly loved and cherished.

Bit of a rant there!  Anyway the reason we ended up being at the kennels so long was that Simon and I were the ones who were waiting for these 2 dogs to come in.  We were going to collect them but then the people said they would come in.  Gyll and Jim had to go to the vet with Monday the Lurcher so we agreed to stay.   Guess what?  They didn't come!  We waited until Gyll got back and she finally got them on the phone.  The woman said that her uncle was going to take the dogs and see how they get on. Could she not have rung up and said that?  We waited nearly 3 hours for her.  We were going to go home but we were concerned that if she turned up and nobody was there would she just let the dogs loose? You never know.  Gyll thinks that they will still end up in the rescue.  We will see.  I'll let you know if they do.  So that was Saturday.  Quite a long and tiring day.

Sunday we went to Cambridge to visit little Jackson.  We were really excited about this as we got to have our first cuddles.  My sister had taken my Dad on Friday so I was dead jealous that they got cuddles before Nanny!  He is doing really well and now weighs 3lb 9oz.  Verity is doing well and coping well.

Monday was Simon's day off and we ran errands.  A visit to the post office to post the sponsor dog newsletters and a cushion cover that I had sold.   Then Simon had his hair cut while I went in the craft shop for some wadding and then in a printers to have some photos printed.  Our printer is playing up so can't do them at home.  I think it is time to get a new one actually.  Must research which has cheapest running costs.  Once Simon was done we went and did the weeks shopping in Tesco.  After that there was just time to go home and have a late lunch before going to collect Miss Ellie from school.  She was coming to have dinner with us.


It was just after we collected Ellie that we received the phone call that we didn't want.....  Little Jackson is back in intensive care.  He is quite poorly and they are not yet sure what the problem is.  It may be an infection, we are waiting the results of tests.  To have him back in the NICU when he had been doing so well is a real blow. He is a little fighter though so I am sure that he will be OK. I got myself in a bit of a state last night  and consequently today I have a dreadful headache.   Upset and worry tend to do that to me.  As long as it doesn't turn into a migraine I shall be fine.  I took tablets first thing this morning and I have been taking it very easy so far. It is a bit easier now but I shall not be doing much today as I need to get rid of this.  Experience has taught me that I have to just give in and do nothing, move slowly, be quiet, no stress, no bright lights.  I may have a sleep in a while.

I will keep you updated with news of Jackson as we get it.


  1. Jilly I am with on your feelings about our pets, and the rudeness of people.
    Loved the photos! thanks for sharing those

  2. love the photos, sorry to hear that Jackson is back in intensive care,I am sure he will be better soon, it is a good hospital

    after I was a vet nurse I volunteered at the RSPCA hospital that was on telly with Rolf, I got so distressed there, I cannot tell you the things that I saw, I will be haunted forever, some of the cruelty cases were just sickening : (
    but I know what you mean about the excuses people give for handing over their animals, I even heard one person say that their dog did not go with their decor !!! that is TRUE
    well done for volunteering, it is a worthwhile cause
    I so enjoy my volunteering with the owls, when I am well enough

  3. Such beautiful pics! I am saying prayers for Jackson!

  4. What a cutie patootie! So sweet! Do I see his eyes open in one of the pictures? He's looking strong!

    I cannot imagine how stressful it would be to work at an animal shelter. I heard that the economy (here in the good old US) has made drop offs at an all time high. Very sad for everyone, I think.

    I am so happy that Jackson is near a good hospital where he is receiving good care. Keep us posted.

    qwithyd from Multiply (oh, how I miss Multiply)


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