Friday, 11 October 2013

Winter woes

It is no secret that I don't like winter. I don't like autumn much either as it means summer is over and there is nothing to look forward to weather wise except about 5 months of grey, cold days.

What is it about this time of year?  Well I could sit here and give you a whole stack of  things that I hate but that would be depressing.  I figure it is easy enough to get depressed with the lack of warmth and sunlight anyway.

So, in an effort to cheer myself I am going to try and think of things that I do like.

Erm........ it's quite hard actually!  Oh, I know, going to bed super early so I can have long dreams about summer!

OK, this is silly.  I challenge myself to think of 5 good things that I do like about autumn and winter.

1. Strictly Come Dancing starts!  I do love a good Strictly sesh.  In fact I get quite annoyed if I miss it.  I know I can watch it on iPlayer but it isn't the same. Saturday evening 6.30pm is sacred at this time of year.
2. The autumn leaf colours.  There is something quite glorious about all the yellow, orange and red that the trees are currently wearing.
3. The appearance of Robins in the garden they have been missing all summer.
4.Wide, blue skies, yes they do occasionally still appear and there is quite a nice quality to them which is different to a summer sky.
5. Planting onions and garlic for over wintering. Those little bulbs have such promise.

1. I can wear my thick, wooly tights.
2. Hot water bottles in the bed.
3. PJ's.  The only time of year I even think about them.  They are good for keeping warm and cosy
4.  Open fires.  I love our fire.  Must get Simon to order the logs so we can have our first one of the season soon.
5. Christmas.  One of the redeeming features of winter!  You know they say that Jesus was more than likely born in September or possibly March.  It for sure wasn't December.  Christmas actually comes from a pagan festival which was hijacked by the church authorities when they were trying to convert the pagans.  Whatever,  It does seem a good idea to break the relentless monotony of winter with celebrations and gift giving.  I can go with that.

What do you like and dislike about autumn and winter?

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Where is my bloggin mojo?

Just had a look at my poor neglected blog. Last time I was here was back in August and prior to that May! There once was a time when I never missed a day. I seem to have lost my blogging mojo.  I started a blog for my Fabrilushus shop a while back and that has ground to a halt too. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day.  I have even got very lax in reading blogs so I am totally out of the loop.  I miss my friends.  I see FB posts but that simply isn't the same.

Not much has changed here apart from the season!  How can we be in autumn already? As seems to be the norm in the UK, we had a pretty measly summer.  It wasn't as wet as last year but we didn't have that many sunny weeks and it wasn't ever what I call hot.  Feeling pretty miserable right now at the thought of the long winter months ahead.

We are all doing ok.  I have been a bit worried about Simon, he is tired and gets headaches and yesterday had a pain in his eyeball all day.  A sharp pain.  This is his good eye too and he wouldn't do anything about it!  Don't suppose I had mentioned here that he lost most of the sight in one of his eyes back in the summer?  He has a central retinal occlusion. It was pretty worrying for a while as they though he had a stroke.  That eye is getting better slowly.

The rest of the family are all ok. Our big news is we have our 6th grandchild on the way. Saskia is expecting her first baby in March.  It is very exciting.

Alfie and Loulou are both still with us, although Alfie has bladder cancer and Loulou's tumor is growing. I worry about them all the time but they are pain free and happy so we are enjoying whatever time we have left.

I am busy doing all the usual stuff.  I also look after Jessie 2 days a week.  Once the housework is taken care of I spend quite a lot of time making things to sell at Fabrilushus.  Sales are very slow but they are coming.  The rest of my time is spent doing stuff for the dog rescue.  Both Simon and I are more and more involved there which is great as it is something we do together. It has also had the added benefit that we have made some very good friends.  We love each and every one of the dogs and spend many hours playing and grooming and just generally teaching them about love.

I would like to get back into my blog.  I always used it as a sort of online journal of my life and I am so annoyed that this year there are great chunks missing.  SO, I am going to try and do a daily photo to get back in the swing of things.  I figure a photo won't take too much time to do.  We shall see how it goes.

Wishing you all a happy Autumn.

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