Goodness me it is mid week already. Nearly the end of the month too. Hopefully that means that spring is just around the corner. Oh, just seen the date; 26th of February. I used to do a "My Day" blog on the 26th of each month. Do you remember that? My aim was to document my days activities in photos and to do it every month for a year so I could look back and see how each day differed. I never managed it for a year! I think I did about 6 or 7.
Let's give it another go. It is Wednesday 26th Of February. It is currently just gone 7.30am. Simon has gone to school. As normal he fetched me coffee when he came up to say goodbye. I am still in bed drinking it. I love this mug with the doggies.
I have lots to do today. Normal chores, plus painting. Hopefully some sewing too. I didn't get around to any painting yesterday. I did get the old curtains down and removed the tape and linings on one set which I washed. I also removed the green border from the walls and then I ran out of time as I wanted to sew. Today I really have to get on with it as Simon made a start on the ceiling last night, so I must show willing.
Let's do a bit of social networking while I drink my coffee. Let's Tweet.
OK time to get moving.
It is now midday.
I got up, had my shower and had my normal breakfast of one slice of toast with scrambled egg. Next job was to clean the kitchen including the floor. I figured out why I hate dirty floors...... I am always bare foot. This is the best mop and bucket ever, makes the job easy.
Then it was time to get the bread maker on as we are nearly out of bread.
Next job was to chop the linings out of the second set of old curtains so I could wash them. I did it with my kitchen scissors as I was too lazy to go upstairs and fetch my sewing scissors. It was hard going and I didn't realise until it was too late that I have made a nasty boo boo on my finger. I have totally rubbed off the skin and now it keeps weeping. yuk.
Next job was painting. I really needed the ladder but Simon has put it in the rafters of the garage and I can't reach it. Hence I have been using a stool which is a nightmare as it hurts my knee each time I get up and down. So far I have done the 2 side walls with the windows in. They have had one coat. I haven't touched the back wall as I can't move the book case. I am so cross with myself as Simon was going to move it last night and I said not to worry as I could do it myself! Hadn't realised how heavy it is!!
I have just had lunch which was a cup of coffee and a milky way. Whilst drinking my coffee I have just made a little brooch.
Time to get going again. I want to get a second coat on the walls that I have done so far. Then I have my online banking to do. I need to think about what to cook for dinner too. Will think about that while I am painting.
OK, so the 2 end walls have both had 2 coats. The Oyster coloured paint is looking like white to me. Not the same white as the ceiling though! Hope that isn't going to be a problem. Don't want to have to do it all again. The paint was quite runny so I am covered head to toe. I always seem to get in a mess when I paint. Got lots of large drips on the dust sheets too. I have just been round and cleaned a few splashes off the skirtings.
Have just cleaned the brushes and am having a cup of coffee. Have got 2 Cornish pasties out of the freezer for dinner. Need something quick, I think.
I am thinking what else there is to do. Hopefully The paint will be dry tonight and Simon can rehang the curtain poles. Oh, yeah, must give them a good clean. Also need to clean the window sills and sand them down ready for a coat of gloss paint. Need to clean the windows. Pictures can be rehung on those walls once the paint is dry. Curtain tie back hooks can be screwed back in.
I will get Simon to move the book case tonight and then I just have that tiny bit of wall to do. That will just leave the one wall for the purple colour. Looks like we could be on track to lay the carpet on Saturday. Hope so. I hate the chaos of decorating and the way it kind of spreads throughout the house.
Think I shall go and have an hours sewing, take my mind off the mess.
Well here I am and the day is nearly over. I had more than an hour sewing! I made another brooch and a wall hanging which still needs it's back. Will show you them in tomorrows post. Didn't get time to do my banking.
Simon was in at 6pm as normal and we had dinner, Cornish pasties, mash and veggies. It was quite nice. That was followed by a cup of coffee for me and a cup of tea for Simon. I then spent some more time working on my wall hanging while Simon finished painting the bedroom ceiling. He has moved the book case for me so I will be able to finish that painting tomorrow. The room is in absolute disarray and the book shelves are planted right in the middle.
Hate it when it is so messy but it will all be done by the end of the weekend........hopefully!
Simon is now downstairs doing school work and I am about to have a bath to scrub off the paint! After that I shall relax in bed and catch up on a bit more of the networking lark for my Fabrilushus shop.
So there you go, that was my 26th day of the month.
Wednesday 26th February 2013.