Thursday 20 December 2012

Thursday 20th December

OK so I have been bad at blogging again but you know it is nearly Christmas and I have been busy.  This is just a quick catch up on a few things.

Firstly my Alfie.  He is doing OK. We have had one week on the prescription diet and so far so good. He seems to like it and he isn't missing out on treats as I give him a few morsels of the food when he would normally have a treat.   He is managing to "wee" a bit better.  It is sort of spurts rather than drips.  So far we have not had any more trouble with leakage so I am only mopping the floor once a day. We have lots of waterproof bedding thingies now but so far they have not been needed.  Simon will collect more food, antibiotics and pain killers from the vet tomorrow to see us over Christmas.  I spoke to the vet today and she is pleased with progress so far and will see him after Christmas.

I am sitting typing this with half an eye on the news. They are predicting more rain and floods across the country.  It is appalling. It has rained here very heavily all day.  The garage is partially flooded again. It is coming in from the back corner and we think it is because the guttering which drains into a water butt simply cannot cope.  Thank goodness our house is safe.  It must be truly awful to have your house flood.

It has been another busy week here.  I have been sewing some last minute bits and pieces for Christmas.  I am really pleased that I have made about 95% of  our gifts this year.

On Tuesday Simon and I went to Stamford, a town about 15 miles away.  He was collecting some wood from a wood yard. We had a quick whizz around the shops there and I got lots of little bits and pieces for a stocking for Saskia.  We gave up doing the Christmas stockings a few years back but as Saskia will actually be here and waking up in our house on Christmas morning I thought it would be nice.  We won't tell her, we will just hang it on her door when she goes to bed so that she can find it in the morning.  We shall tell her that it is her job to get up and bring us coffee and biscuits in bed and then she can open it in our room just like they all used to when they were little. I miss those days.  I have made her a little stocking from Christmas fabric.

When we got home on Tuesday it was to a freezing cold house.  The heating was not on.  Simon checked the pilot light which was fine.  We both had a fiddle around with the timer and the thermostat....nothing.  It was freezing and I do not do cold. Simon phoned a plumber who came out on Wednesday and said we need a new pump.  Strangely, overnight on Tuesday the heating restarted but the plumber said it can do that.  It has been OK since but did go off for a while this morning.  I hope it doesn't give up all together as he can't do the work until the 8th of January.

Yesterday I  did a bit of the Christmas food shopping.  I went to Tesco in Bourne on the 4.50pm bus and Simon picked me up on his way home.  It meant that I didn't leave Alfie for too long.  It wasn't a bad idea but it was very cold waiting for the bus and I also got soaking wet as of course it was  raining.  I still have more to do which I will probably do either tomorrow afternoon once Simon gets home or possibly on Sunday.  Simon will be home early tomorrow as it is the last day of term and they finish an hour or so earlier than normal.

On Saturday I shall  be helping at the dog rescue kennels as normal. Simon is collecting Saskia from Stamford station at lunch time and they will come to pick me up and drop of her cat at the same time. She couldn't find anywhere in Leicester to take her cat so it is going in the cattery here.   Saturday afternoon we have all 4 grandchildren coming to make paper chains which should be fun.  Not sure yet what is happening on Sunday or Christmas eve.

Oh, just remembered something, I keep meaning to tell you all that Coralie raised £327 for the Three Counties dog rescue with her sponsored ride.  Here she is after it was over with her friend Les who also did the . Thanks to everyone who kindly sponsored her.  The doggies will be very grateful.

OK, I'm out of here now. Time to make some hot chocolate and snuggle in bed. I have some magazines waiting to be read.


  1. Hi Jilly, so glad the food is helping Alfie, and sounds like you are busy as always. did you happen to receive my swap in the mail yet? was hoping it would arrive by christmas- very cold here and very windy-so sorry for all that rain you are getting-nite

  2. I'm glad to hear that Alfie is doing better! That's just great news! Thanks for letting us know how your daughter did with the ride for the pups!


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