Tuesday 29 January 2013

Thankful Tuesday.

Can you believe that baby Jackson is already 2 weeks old?   I lay in bed last night thinking about the last 2 weeks and how much we have to be thankful for in our family. You may recall that I used to regularly do a kind of gratitude blog. Haven't done that in a while.  It is good to remind ourselves of just how much we have and how lucky we are and to remind ourselves to be grateful.

So Thankful Tuesday.  Ten things that I have been thankful for this last week.

1. The safe arrival of baby Jackson and his continuing good progress.
2. The fact that we live in a time and a place that means babies born as early as Jackson are not only able to survive but also to thrive.
3. The prayers, good wishes, positive vibes etc.. that have been sent our way by so many friends and family.
4. I am thankful for the excellent medical care that Verity received which will hopefully result in a swift and full recovery from what was a very traumatic birth experience.
5. I am very thankful that despite a bit more snow on Friday night the weather was OK on Saturday and we were able to go to the baby shower.
6.  We have a warm and cosy house.  As a person who feels the cold dreadfully, I cannot imagine what it must be like to have no heat and to be constantly cold.  Not long now until spring...hopefully.
7. I am amazingly lucky to be able to spend my days at home doing what ever pleases me.  That is usually sewing of some kind at the moment
8.  Denise.  Without Denise and her continuing efforts to teach both me and Coralie I would never have learned to sew.
9. I am thankful that Alfie seems to be on the mend.  The very expensive prescription diet seems to be working.  He will have another scan in a week to see if the bladder stone is breaking down.
10. I am also extremely thankful that we can afford the dog insurance which is paying for Alfie's new food.

Lots more to be thankful for of course but those are the things that come to mind right now this morning.


  1. Good morning Jilly, always good to count our blessings

  2. I try to think about what I'm thankful for at the beginning and end of each day, it's good habit to get into, and it DOES change one's outlook on life. So glad to hear Jackson is doing SO well.

  3. Yay, I'm so happy to hear Jackson is doing well!!!......Yes many things to be thankful for Jilly. xoxo

  4. Blessings, blessing, blessings!! So nice to read your list of wonderful blessings!!

  5. I'm thankful we met and I got to know so much about the things you are thankful for. And so blessed to be able to pray for Jackson!

  6. What a great idea--I always loved the Tuesday Ten and this is a perfect way to incorporate it into your blog.

    It's so nice to see some familiar Multiply faces here--something else to be thankful for!

  7. Always enjoy reading your posts, though I rarely comment. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers...


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