Monday 18 March 2013

Random stuff

Just a few random thoughts.

1.  Why is it that however well you stock up, the shopping always has to be done again at some point?       I wish the cupboards would just stay full.

2. When will spring actually start?  OK, I know it has started in theory, but when will the spring weather arrive?

3. Out-laws are a bloody nightmare.  The Daleks should exterminate them.

4.  Helped on the market stall on Saturday in aid of the doggies and we made £509.  Brilliant.  Worth going out so early in the biter cold and pouring rain. Missed seeing the doggies though.

5. If other half invites someone to our house that I cannot stand why is it not OK for me to go out and leave him to it?   In fact why can't he just go and see them instead of inviting them here?

6. I will not be told by anyone who I can and can't like. It doesn't work that way.  Some you like and some you can't stand.

7. Had horrid headache most of yesterday.  I know what started it.

8. Still can't get people to read here and still missing Multiply.

9. Am going to start a new blog specifically for Fabrilushus.

10. Insurance company are refusing to pay for Alfie's prescription diet food.  It is around a £100 a month.  Simon just collected his tablets today and a months supply is £180.  Thank goodness the insurance covers that.

11. Just realised that Easter isn't far away and in just over a weeks time Simon will be under my feet again for 2 weeks.  Wish we were able to go away somewhere hot and sunny.   It isn't possible as we can't leave Alfie and Loulou.

12.  Still have headache.  Think I will go to bed and read.


  1. "Out-laws are a bloody nightmare. The Daleks should exterminate them."

    I laughed out loud so much that my son came in to see what was so funny. He thought I had some crazy video on. I can relate. Mine are 3000 miles away so we get along just fine:)

    I am missing Multiply too. People read my blogs, and there are some comments but the conversation just doesn't flow. We've tried all sorts of other sites. Nothing works right. I miss that whole "banter" thing we had there.

  2. Oh I meant to tell you, my daughter opened an Etsy store so I told her to favourite yours and Coralie's. Her store is "rhiannonscastle" in case you were wondering who it was.

    1. I have friended her or put her in my circle or whatever it is called now! She has great stuff.

  3. I miss many friends from Multiply, too, but I'm happy for new friends I've met here. I'm sorry your are having to deal with people you don't care for, in your own home. That's rough, for sure. Wonderful news about all the money you made for the pups! Bless you for all you do!!

  4. ~ 8
    I know that feeling : (
    I have only three friends on here, makes me wonder if it is worth blogging !
    I wish that everyone had not gone in different directions, I was really expected much more people to come here as it is such a well known site so I was surprised to see that most of them went over to a new site made by some Multiply members, I would not risk that, it is more likely to close or have problems than an established place like this

  5. Hi Gillian... it's good to meet you. I found you when Terri D. posted about the purse you made for her.
    1) I've always said we'd have money if we didn't have to eat. There's always something.
    6) My daughter has said the same thing when her husband tried to dictate.
    8) I know what you mean about Multiply. I had several online friends there, now we've all scattered and I'm having trouble getting friends on here. My blogs can be boring and just random ramblings. No set pattern or idea. It's just me.
    Hope your headache lets up soon.

  6. think we're singing from the same song sheet, wish my shopping lasted longer, but add to that wish housework would stay done and wish hours of cooking wasn't eaten in such a short time. Yes I'm missing multiply, it has finally gone. But on the bright side, finally figured out how to get email alerts from blogger so maybe the posts will be easier for me to find.


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