Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Wednesday 2nd January 2013

Well that's one day down, only 364 to go! New years day was a very pleasant one. We spent it quietly, just the 2 of us. Simon worked in his garage putting up some roof insulation and I did lots of catching up online and a bit of sewing. Simon cooked dinner which was nice and then I had an hour long episode of Eastenders followed by Miranda.  I love Miranda she is "such fun"!

I did a lot of catching up with blogs. I cancelled my account at Blogster.  I didn't really like it there and nearly every one of my old Multiply friends who went there has now left.  Sorry Pammy but we are in touch in other ways.  It is such a shame that the demise of Multiply has resulted in losing some friends. Mind you, I suppose the lost ones couldn't have been  real friends because I haven't lost the important ones.

That sounded so wrong...apologies. What I am trying to say, is that those friends that I am no longer in touch with must have been those that just come into your life for a sort while.  I enjoyed my interaction with them but they were not meant to be long term. Has any one out there any idea what I ma talking about?  If you have can you please tell me.

I am trying to remember that old rhyme about some people being in your life for a time or a reason or something........ dammit, going to have to look that up now.

Actually speaking of Multiply, has anyone else noticed that it is still there and you can actually still post blogs?  I didn't delete my account and when I looked the other day, I decided to test it by posting a blog and it worked.  Wonder what happened to the 1st of December?

So, my plans for today?  Be lazy!  I think it will be much the same as yesterday.  Simon will be working in his garage and once I have done a bit of house work then I think it will be a sewing day.

Just have to get out of bed first!


  1. Hi Jilly..I too have lost contact with a number of my Multiply friends. It is so sad but we all had to find a blogging home that we were happy with and for me that is right here on Blogger. I try to stay in contact with some of them on Facebook but it really isn't the same. I didn't know you were still able to post blogs to Multiply. I closed my account so I can no longer log in. I sure do miss Multiply but I have to say I am really happy here now. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  2. I know what you are trying to say about friends lol I do miss one friend from multiply and she is from England as well. but she has kept her blogster open just to pop in and catch up with us. I followed her around for awhile, and just don't like the other places. she has settled on muzenews but I don't know anyone else there except her.
    so I am really happy with my beautiful blog here on blogger, and I just keep my blogster open to connect with friends. actually last night I decided to delete everything I posted there-and will do that every 6 months or at least by the end of the year. there is no way to tag or archive anything there-so will have my main blog here.
    Happy new year Jilly a sewing day sounds nice. I have another dozen bars of soap to make for a customer and then I hope to goof off tomorrow.
    ooops sorry for the long post.

  3. I know what you mean, too. I left some "friends" behind at Multiply, but my dearest friends are here, on Blogger. I am also happy that I have made some wonderful new friends here - you included! Glad to hear you had a pleasant January 1st. I did too - quiet and restful. Wishing you and yours a joyful and blessed new year!

  4. So far I've been able to keep up with my close Multiply friends, but some others have slipped away. Our News Years was much as yours - just the two of us with cats curled up instead of Dalies. I really enjoyed the quiet. We were in bed before 11.


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