This is Tess. She is a Rottweiler and is 5 years old. She has been with us most of her life. Sadly, many people do not like Rotties.
This is Luca, he is an 11 month old Weimaraner cross. He has only been with us a few weeks and is severely malnourished and very timid. Simon has gained his trust.
This is Zeus another Rottie. He is 6 years old and has been with us a very long time. He gets over looked time and time again because of his size. He is BIG! He is also a soppy baby. Gentle as can be.
This is Beanie with Tash, one of the kennel maids. Beanie is a 2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier and he is a really sweetie. He has not had a good start.
This is just a small selection of the dogs that are currently in the care of Three Counties Dog Rescue.
If you would like to find out more then please click here. 3CDR
We also have a Facebook page. 3CDR Facebook
How nice you volunteer at a dog rescue place. Often times dogs rescue humans in many different ways. I remember how my dad's face would light up when he had to be in the nursing home when he saw the dogs that visited there.