Thursday 14 March 2013

Would a knitted pompom make you feel safe?

 I am beginning to think that the world is going totally barmy. I have just been reading a news article entitled "The science behind police attempts to regain communities".  Apparently in Leicester the police have resorted to guerrilla knitting to rid people of their disproportionate fear of crime. They say crime is not as rife as we think andI hanging their knitted decorations in the trees will make people feel safer!  

Think I'm joking?  I kid you not. This is real.

They have attached hundreds of knitted pompoms to trees and lamp posts in Bede Park and Great Central Way, Leicester. They are hoping that this will encourage people to use the two areas of Leicester - but opinion appears split as to whether it will make any difference!!

Apparently Criminologists at De Montfort University say making the area look cosier will make it feel safer, but residents in Leicester appear unconvinced.

I have seen and heard it all now.  I simply cannot believe that attaching a knitted bauble to a tree would make anyone feel safe.  It doesn't do it for me. What are your thoughts?   What do my Merikan friends think?  Hey, I have an idea....... hand in all your guns, hang pompoms in the trees;  you will not need your gun ever again! 

Shouldn't our police force have better things to be doing?  Like fighting crime?   We are constantly hearing about the difficult financial situation and how we are losing police officers because of it. There are not enough officers on the beat and yet East Midlands force seems to think this is the best way to deploy them.  CRAZY!

You can see the full article and more photos here: Leicester police


  1. The whole world, in my opinion, is crazy. Stark, raving, mad actually.

    Crochet and other crafts do help people with depression. How that is supposed to reduce the amount of crime in the neighborhood is beyond me. Unless all these depressed folks are out shooting up the neighborhood with those shotguns you Brits favor. LOL, I'm still watching Midsomer Murders.

    Next, tea and scones on the green? I'm sure that will put an end to all crime. Do hope they don't include a bonfire. On a recent episode of MM I saw, they burned the vicar in an effigy with the bonfire.

  2. "Stark raving mad" pretty much covers it. So, how are people going to feel when those pompoms get dirty, ragged and begin shedding yarn over the ground? Who will come along and clean up where squirrels and birds have torn them apart for nesting (assuming they are brave enough to venture out.) Why do the residents 'think' there is so much crime? Why don't the police believe there is as much as the residents think? This kind of 'reporting' is done here in 'Merika', too - light-hearted approach to fears usually induced by demonizing news articles slanted by agenda-driven editorial staff. Now - as I step down from the soap box - I do hope you understand all those questions were rhetorical. Unless you are a factual journalist and wish to cover those items!!

    Thanks, Jilly. It's nice to know this isn't the only place where the world seems very silly.

  3. That is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time. Oh my!!!

  4. Interesting. I can kinda see trying to make an area look cozy, fun, and for families, but if it is not already safe-too many criminals there-I think they need to take care of those first-and I will keep my guns thank you-hugs


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