Thursday 14 March 2013

Thursday 14th March

Just realised that I haven't been here for 2 weeks. I have read blogs from time to time and I have had good intentions but other stuff has got in the way. I know I have said it before but I really do need double the hours in my day.  I am just so busy.  The sewing and Etsy shop is taking up time and also my volunteer work with the dogs is taking more time too. 

So what is new?  Best news ever is that our little, tiny grandson, Jackson has had his feeding tube removed.  Yay! He is now 8 weeks old and weighs 5lb 1oz so he is doing fantastically.  Remember that he still shouldn't even be here for another 2 weeks. 

That reminds me, big congratulations to my friend Pam and her daughter Stephie.  Stephie has just given Pam another grandson.  Little Adam. 

I have a headache today.  It started yesterday and I can't get rid of it.  Hence, I’m doing some blogging rather than anything else. I have the TV on in the bedroom and am just watching “This Morning" and there is this really weird man, David Icke, who thinks the world is a hologram. Apparently we are all being controlled by members of the Royal family!  Weird or what? 

I actually do think that we are controlled by many forces and organisations but the Royal family?  No. Our governments, the church, yes, Royal family, no.  Speaking of the church reminds me of the election of the new Pope. Now there is a controlling organisation if ever there was one.  The Catholic Church. Oh yes, you better believe it.  Did you see all the faithful waiting to learn the name of the new head?  Sheep. Most have no idea who this guy even is but they will revere him anyway. 

Coralie posted on her Facebook page yesterday, "Dare we hope for a slightly more progressive thinking Pope? One who can lead the Catholic Church into the modern world?"  There is no way that will happen.  They are not interested.  They just want to stick with the old ways. They want to stay in control.  

My response was “Dare we hope for someone who will put an end to the sexual abuse that is so rife throughout the Catholic Church?”  Interestingly, Coralie deleted that.   I find that interesting in itself.   Coralie is someone who would normally welcome debate.  Seemingly my opinions are not appropriate for her page.  Hmmm, makes me really wonder.

So, Pope, Francis the first.  He is a very conservative, 76 year old. Is he going to change anything?  Is he heck?  That is why he was voted in.  They will never dare risk anything else.  He is anti-gays, anti-abortion, and anti-euthanasia need I go on?  Interesting that he is also a Jesuit.  Anyone recall from their history lessons how the Jesuits became so powerful at the end of the 18th century that they were suppressed?  Hmmm, power and control. 

OK, my brain is hurting, and I am waffling and not being coherent. I think you have realised by now that I am not impressed.  

For anyone that doesn't know, I was christened at my parent’s local parish church.  (Common C of E).  After my marriage, in a very misguided attempt to be accepted by the outlaws, I was confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.  Our children grew up in that faith and at primary age they went to a Catholic school.  I have never believed. Simon has never believed. We were both just trying to fit in with his family. It didn't work. Nothing will ever work there, but that is another story.  

Basically as we got older we realised that there was no point in pretending to be something that we are not.  We have not attended church for years and never will again. (Weddings and funerals excepted). Simon believes very strongly that the church is just an organisation that controls the masses for their own purposes. I mostly don't even bother to think about it. If I am anything, then I am probably a sort of Pagan.  But I prefer not to define myself.  I am me and I believe in balance and good and..........oh  my goodness what a lot more drivel.  This is what happens when I have a headache!

I am being driven crazy buy Alfie.  We were all 3 of us on the bed.  Alfie was in Simon’s place at the top of the bed next to me and Loulou was at the bottom by my feet.  I got up to go to the loo and Alfie followed me.  Of course Loulou then saw her opportunity and moved into the prime position.  Alfie is not pleased.  This happens all the time.  I wish he would just realise that I am only going to be 2 minutes and stay where he is. He then tries to get on my lap which doesn't work with my lap top.  I have moved to the chair and he keeps trying to get up here with me. I might shut them both downstairs for a while. I think I need to close the curtains and lie down quietly.   Stupid headache.

At least I managed a blog.


  1. I agree with your every word about the new Pope, it's just business as usual. I am not saying much at the moment, but eventually I'll let rip. I don't believe in this idea that one should respect the position. No. If he's using that position to cause harm, I'll call it like I see it.

    I am SO glad Jackson is doing well, but I always knew he would, call it a hunch if you like, I'll just wiggle my nose:)

  2. Jackson is so adorable! I'm so happy to hear that he's doing well.

    Have you posted pictures of Alfie and Loulou? ?? If not, then please do!

    Being the "token Christian" in some of your circles, I know next to nothing about the Pope except for Pope John Paul. We loved him because he was Polish and visited our city (Chicago) many years ago.

    I'm told that the new guy will be considered infallible? I'm not even sure what that means? He goes right to heaven? ?? I live around Catholic people, I know a LOT about the culture but very little about that type of things--how it is organized and why.

    I don't know this gentleman but I do know that I would not like his "job." He needs to go in there and clean things up with the sex scandal. People are waiting, know what I mean? And there are the other things, but he's got to take care of the priests, monsignors, etc., who work for him, under him, however you put it.

    Hope your headache gets better.

  3. Oh my goodness! You are on a rip today, girl! LOL, haven't been so amused in ages. I've missed you.

    I am so happy that Jackson is better. He looks just adorable. Put a little pointy hat on him and you'd think he was a little elf. Sarah was little too and I have a photo somewhere of her looking like a little elf. LOL.

    Oh the Catholic Church. Well, I don't worry about what other religions do or don't do. Other churches have no impact on my church and I don't impact theirs. I'm Christian and I am practicing....I'm not quite perfect yet. I follow the Bible, regardless of what any "Church" says. I do think that the CC could help itself by simply allowing priest to marry. The repression of a natural function is obviously not working for them.

  4. Sure hope your headache is gone!! They can certainly be miserable. Jackson looks wonderful....such a little cutie. He seems to be doing just fine!


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