Friday 15 March 2013


Friday, the end of the week. Just realised we are exactly half way through March. That means spring really should be here soon.  Today it is supposed to be raining.  Right now it just looks grey and cold.  I like Fridays, Simon is home at 4pm and the weekend starts.

I haven't got up yet.  It is 7.30am and I am just drinking my coffee. I thought maybe if I write a few words now I will have a blog. Haven't got much to say though.

Who has heard of Sound Cloud?  I just found it.  I was reading a book review and it said to "click here" to hear an extract on Sound Cloud. It has some good stuff I think but limitations too. I haven't really explored it.  I am currently listening to Smooth Jazz.  It is quite nice.

I am hoping for a sewing day today. I haven't much housework to do. When Simon gets home we are going to Gyll's house with the trailer to load up the car with stuff for the market tomorrow.  Gyll is the owner of the dog rescue. Do you remember that once a month they have a stall on Peterborough market, selling donated goods?  It is tomorrow.  We will get there about 7.30am, Simon will go once we are unloaded but I will be working on the stall until about 2pm.  I actually really enjoy it but I am not looking forward to the cold.

Random bits:

A photo for you........... Evan. He was going to a party and requested smart clothes and gelled up hair! he is 4.  He does look cute though!

If your children call you Mother instead of Mum does it mean you have been especially annoying?  Coralie called me Mother on her Facebook page.

Simon had a pre Ofsted inspection yesterday and was graded "Outstanding"  so he is feeling pleased with  himself.

I went to a Women's Institute (WI)  meeting on Wednesday night.  Max and Gyll were the guest speakers and they asked if I would like to go along. I was very interested as I have considered joining the WI.  They have a group in my village and I had intended to join when we moved here.  I thought it would be a way to make friends.  I am glad now that I didn't join.  I don't think it is really me.  I had this idea that they do lots of fun stuff, like cooking and sewing and crafts.  Well they may well do all of that but not on their meet up evening.

This was a small group, only 12 women and they were all very elderly which wouldn't be a problem for me.  They start by singing Jerusalem, all the way through.  I have to say that they sung it beautifully, but they wouldn't have wanted to hear me joining in!  That was followed by a long tedious period where all kinds of admin was dealt with.  It was really boring.  Can't be doing with that.

Then Gyll and Max spoke about the dog rescue which was interesting. I think I would enjoy most of their guest speakers.  Next month they have someone coming from the VA to talk about the art deco period.  That sounds good.   This WI was in a village quite a long way from here and my own village one may well be different but none the less, I think this has shown me that I am not ready for WI just yet.   Oh and they don't serve coffee only tea, that is no good!

Besides, I don't have enough time as it is and I have made friends amongst the doggie crowd.

I am however ready for my breakfast, so I guess it is time to get up and shower.


  1. Happy Friday, Jilly! My purse came yesterday, and I am so pleased with it!! You do beautiful work, and I love the yellow you chose to go with the cat-print trim!! Thank you SO much!! I'll get it loaded up with my stuff and will take a photo to share!

    Evan is adorable!! Wishing you a good weekend!

  2. That Evan is just a cutie. Love the hair.

    You life sounds nice and cozy and a bit calmer of late. I'm glad for you.


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